Tips you can try while stressing out.
Separation of live and stress is impossible. Some time, living expenses is not equal with your income. You probably feel the anxiety, worry, even worse, stressful. Basically, stress is good for your health, stress helps your body to release cortisol hormone. But, chronic stress can have damaging effects on some people. Related to finances, work, relationships and other situations, anyone can be stress. Here are several tips you can try while stressing out.
1. Talk
Stress suppresses the immune system, it easier for you to get sick. You also cannot think clearly. It could be a sign you cannot communicate with others. Talking to somebody you trust helps to replace the negativity. Do not need to be ashamed of your financial situation, you can talk to family member or friend you trust more. It also helps you to build open and honest communication with others.
2. Meditation
Some people cannot talk their situation and tend to keep it for themselves. For those who cannot easily talk to others, try meditation. Meditation helps to maintain cortisol hormone level (stress hormone). It also helps to balance mind, body and soul. A strong body helps you fight off bugs, including finance situation.
You do not need to join a meditation course, nail the basic techniques, do it by your own at home. Some basic techniques you should nail are perfect time and place to prevent distraction, classic seated position, closing the eyes while stuck tip of tongue to the roof of your mouth, concentration on your breathing and do continuously.
3. Your hobbies
Do your hobbies, like photography, painting, baking or writing. Make yourself busy in a positive way helps to reduce cortisol hormone (stress hormone). Some studies showed do your hobbies for 45 to 60 minutes relaxing your whole body, any burdensome you feel, like stress disappear. It also restores your concentration.
4. Exercise
Based on Mental Health Foundation, doing exercise when you feel unstressed helps to increase endorphin hormone level (happiness hormone). Doing exercise when you feel stress helps to reduce cortisol hormone level (stress hormones) as well as treat depression. The best exercise to release a burden, do some walk or jogging for 20 – 30 minutes, and swimming.
5. Owning a pet
Super affectionate animal lovers probably agree if pet, any kind of pet is the best cuddle buddies, ever. Virginia Commonwealth University showed spending some time with your pets reduce stress level. Along with that, pets help you to gain the productivity. If it possible to bring your pets to work, do that. But if it is not possible, you can walk or jogging with him or her before or after work.