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12 Ways to Live Frugally Using Frugal Living

Alinear Indonesia

Want to live frugally, but find it difficult to implement it? Maybe you can apply it with Frugal Living for the financial efficiency of your lifestyle. Check it out more!

Photo by HiveBoxx on Unsplash
Want to live frugally, but why is it difficult to implement it? Maybe some of you have felt something similar. So that you don't experience difficulties in implementing a frugal lifestyle, it's a good idea for you to try Frugal living. Frugal living is a lifestyle where a person makes conscious decisions about their spending, but is still able to prioritize the important things. If done correctly, then actors who adopt this lifestyle have the possibility of achieving their goal: Financial Freedom.
The following are ways to live a frugal lifestyle that can help manage your cash flow:

Photo by Thomas Lefebvre on Unsplash
1. Always record expenses
Before starting frugal living, you need to know where your money is going. You can record it in a journal notebook, use a financial management application, or you can also make a table of financial expenses. This way, you can know and properly monitor your expenses.
2. Control food costs
Well, this is something we sometimes don't realize. The cost of daily food is the most basic thing, but we often don't realize that it ends up being wasteful. For example, you often snack outside or your eyes are hungry because you see promotions on online orders. Therefore, apply self-discipline so that the food budget does not exceed the food budget postal regulations.
3. Take Advantage of Discounts
Don't worry, don't get confused and get caught up in sale offers in online and offline stores. You can still buy the items you want by taking advantage of the promos and discounts offered. However, remember that the items you buy must meet your needs and help your daily performance. Make sure you stick to the priority scale. If it is needed and urgent, there is no harm in buying. But if it's not too urgent, even if it's important, you can hold on for now.

Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash  
4. Sell items that are no longer used
Apart from saving space at home, you can also earn additional income by selling items that are no longer used in your home. Instead of unused items taking up space, it's a good idea to resell them. There are quite a lot of people out there looking for second-hand goods. Make sure the items you sell are in good condition and well-maintained, so that the selling value is still there...
5. Choose transportation smartly
Taking a taxi to work is indeed comfortable. However, if you want to save money, choose other alternative transportation, such as trains, buses, or online transportation. This will be safer for your pocket. It is not uncommon for online transportation to offer promotions with discounted prices which can help you save money.
6. Sorting Platform Subscription Fees
Be wiser in choosing and using your favorite entertainment services. It's best to choose the one that you use most often. Avoid wasting money on something you rarely even use.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash
7. Saving and Investing
The benefit and goals of frugal living are financial independence in the future. Allocate your income for investment and savings purposes. Before investing, you should know the investment field so that you don't choose the wrong type of investment. You can also learn via YouTube or from an expert directly. You can just check on Google.
8. Cook Yourself
It turns out that cooking your food can cut food expenses by up to 50 percent, you know! Get into the habit of making a food menu for the week and make food preparation for the week. This way, cooking time is shorter, practical, and saves money. Wouldn't it be great if you could set aside and allocate 50% of the remaining funds for food items to other financial items?
9. Buy energy-saving electronic products
Even though it is a bit expensive, buying energy-efficient electronic products can cut your monthly electricity bill. This can save you expenses for a longer period. Come on, start switching to energy-saving electronic products!

Photo by Dose Media on Unsplash
10. Be consistent
Running frugal living requires high consistency and discipline. Applying discipline here means adhering to the budget that has been made. By implementing a consistent and disciplined attitude pattern, you can prevent yourself from buying things you don't need.
11. Vegetable & Fruit Farming
There are many ways to go to Rome. There are many ways to save money and live a frugal life. If you like farming, such as growing fruit and vegetables, this means you can save on your expenses. Growing fruit and vegetables for daily consumption can also cut food expenses, you know.
12. Don't shop for things you don't need
Determine the priority scale. Avoid shopping for items that are not needed. Make a list of urgent and important priorities that are tailored to your needs. The aim is to be able to manage expenses so that they become more effective, efficient, and of course economical.
Those are tips on how to apply frugal living in everyday life. Let's start now!

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