6 fun things to do at Ragunan Zoo.
Pocket-friendly and increasing information about animals, those things are the reaons why so many Jakartans choose Ragunan Zoo as the place for spend their weekend. With only Rp4.000,-, you can see many kind of animals and have a good holiday at it.
To make your visit goes memorable, there are 6 things you have to do if you want to spend your day off at Ragunan Zoo.
1. Strolling Around with Family
Not only a home for many kind of animals, Ragunan Zoo surrounded by shady trees, makes the air cooler here, although the zoo is in Jakarta which we all have known for its hot weather. If you come with your family, you can ask them to strolling around the zoo while watching animals round you. It will makes your relation with your family warmer and closer.
You can also use the park to relax and enjoy your meal with family. But, remember to always the place clean!
2. Riding Camel, Elephant, or Horse
The next one you have to do is riding camell, elephant, or horse. The sensation while you are surrounding zoo is thrilling, but after a while you will enjoy it. It is so fun! If you are bringing also your kids, ask them to try this.
3. Teach Your Kids It is Important to Keep Animals Alive
One of the use of your visit to this place is that you can teach your kids about how important it is to keep animals sustainibility, and prevent the extinction.
Here you and your family can see protected rare animals such as anoa, orangutan, komodo dragon, rhino, tiger, and many more. At least, here you can tell your kids some rare animals, so you can grow their concern of those animals up.
4. Visited Scmutzer Primates Center
This place has also primates center, Scmutzer Primates Center. Where you can see any species, such as monkey, gorilla, orangutan, lutung, chimpanzee, etc. No wonder if this area now become one of the most favorite areas at Ragunan Zoo.
Photo Source: @ragunanzoo
With only Rp 7.500, you can round the 13 ha primates center. They use open zoo for the concept of Scmutzer where the animal who live in it like live in their real habitat.
Enter the place, you will also see a large area with a semi-circle dome gate and stairs. The stair will bring people to a long bridge so they can watch gorilla lives under the bridge. If you are lucky, you can see the staff giving food to gorillas.
5. Down the Ragunan Zoo with Unique Train
You and your family can see the view and feel the ambience of Ragunan Zoo while see animals with train. With only cheap price, this could be fun and will not makes you tired.
6. Reflection at Refleksi Park
Do you know at Ragunan Zoo you can reflection, too? At Reflection Park you will found small stones commonly used for foot reflection. The stone laid out well and it is good for you to walk on it.
Photo Source: https://www.instagram.com/ragunanzoo