Our Daily Dose offers the World's Top Sneakers including Adidas, Nike and Puma.
Until now sneakers shoes are still loved. The casual shape and comfortable to use, making sneakers become millennial's favorite shoes. Because of that, now more sneakers shoes outlets not least in Jakarta. One of them that should be visited by original sneakers fans is Our Daily Dose. Here, you can find various brands of best sneakers in the worls such as Adidas, Nike and Puma. In addition, ODD also offers clothing and accessories from the world's top brands.
From a variety of fashion products, shoes product is still the best seller at Our Daily Dose. Adidas and Nike are the most hunted at this store. Like last June, when ODD Grand Indonesia released the Yeezy 350 V2 Black Adidas Shoes which was Adidas's collaboration with Kanye West. The shoes that are sold in limited quantities are sold out in just a matter of hours.
Yeezy Boost has always been a target because it has historical value and unique shape that attracts attention, especially its silhouette. The quality is also no doubt, the combination of the material is very comfortable to wear.
Photo Source: Instagram @ourdailydoseid
As for Nike, one of its best-selling collections is the Nike Air Max 720. These shoes are the highest shoes in the Air tech collection, but are still comfortable to use. Air Max 720 also has the greatest elasticity compared to other Air Max.
In serving customers, Our Daily Dose prioritizes customer education about sneakers. One strategy is to provide a variety of products and continue to innovate. For now, ODD already has 12 outlets, of which the branches are spread in several regions in Indonesia. In Jakarta, you can find these outlets in Senayan City, PIM II, PIK Avenue, Kota Kasablanka, Puri Lippo Mall, Bintaro Jaya Xchange, and Grand Indonesia.
Website: ourdailydose.net
Top Photo Source: Instagram @ourdailydoseid