Playparq located in Jl. Kemang Timur No. 72 becomes one of perfect choice for any parents. Its safety and atmosphere make parent do not hesitate to spend their free time here with children.
Since its grand opening last May 2017, Playparq located in Jl. Kemang Timur No. 72 becomes one of perfect choice for any parents. Its safety and atmosphere make parent do not hesitate to spend their free time here with children.
Indoor and outdoor plays can be enjoyed by 1 – 12 years old kids. All playing arena covered with soft stretch base safe for kids. If kids running around and accidentally falling, they will not get hurt.
Outdoor area provided 8 interesting plays, such as flying fox, trampoline, mini basketball field and kids favourite play, water play fountains. Meanwhile, indoor area suits for babies, it provided with mini trampoline, ball pool and mini carousel. Parents’ lounge provided with AC and free Wi-Fi, is perfect spot for you to relax while watching your kids.
Forget to bring your own lunch? No need to worry, Playparq Café offering kids meal, such as Fried Chicken, noodle, fries and nugget. There is also parents’ meal, such as kungpau chicken, chicken Hainan, spicy squid, roast duck, bakso malang (meatball from Malang) and iga garang asem (oxtail in sour soup). All prices are friendly pocket, starts from Rp25.000,- per menu.
Its wide place become parent consideration to celebrating their children birthday. If you are interested to celebrate kids birthday, please kindly contact Playparq staff for booking process.
Highly recommended to come before 11am or 3pm. Do not forget to bring clean clothes, shower needs, shampoo, soap and towel. Enjoy Tuesday promo, only pay Rp20.000 (normal price Rp50.000) and weekend Rp80.000,-. On Tuesday, Playparq opens at 2pm.