Latest update from Twitter.
Due to the competition between social media nowadays, each platform keeps evolving themselves to attract users’ attention. One of them is Twitter, which recently announced that they will make a big change. The change occurs for user can tweet with more than 140 characters. Yup! On the newest update that will be launched periodically in upcoming months, the mentioned username when you reply a tweet will not be counted as character. But if you type the username by yourself on new tweet to mention it (not using reply feature), the username will still be counted in the 140 characters.
The next change that will occur is URL or link from the attached media such as photo, video, GIF, poll, Quote Tweet, and deep link from Direct Message will also not be counted into the 140 characters. But just same as mention, if you type it by yourself then it will be counted. Last but not least, Twitter users will be able to retweet their own tweet. This will be useful for marketers who want to remind the followers about their important tweet from the previous one. These changes are made by Twitter in order to trigger the users to have more proper conversation and easier to be used by new users. Well, what do you think?